MLP: The Movie – 9/10 (27/6/24)

Also watched in the plane and wow. What a banger. An absolute banger. A lot of people were hating on the MLP Movie because it wasn’t good or whatever, so I didn’t have very high expectations. I was wrong, it’s fucking amazing. Let’s take it part-by-part.

First, some context. I watched it in two parts, one right before I slept and then, when I woke up, I started watching it again. Around half-way through was the cut-off point.

Alright first part. It introduces the bad guys (and also that famous instagram clip that everyone has been meme-ing about). The introduction was strange, because they kind of came out of nowhere, but whatever yknow. OH the animation is absolutely TOP NOTCH! Legitimately, it felt like a Disney film and I dig that style so much. I like it better than the normal show that’s for sure. Maybe not the irises of the ponies but, otherwise, it’s really really good. So yeah, Tempest gets introduced as the main bad guy (she’s a hottie frfr) under orders of the Storm king and yknow we’re vibin’. She kills everyone and enslaves the pony race all for her horn to come back. Okay, I could smell the setup from a mile away (it was gonna be another Discord x Tirek moment) but that isn’t reason to dislike a show. So far, so good. The setup is great, and things are going badly for the ponies, which is always good.

THEN, the first area; the cat man (name’s capper or something). They go to essentially what is Rotterdam Zuid, the slums of the Equestria, and they meet the cat man. Cat man is very nice and my god is he charming. I swear, if I become a furry one day, it’s gonna be because of cat man. Probably only a matter of time at this point. Because of his demeanor, I gotta say, cat man is by far my favourite character in the show. I adore characters like that and, well, what can I say? They’re just so fun. AND HIS SONG!! HIS SONG IS SOOOO GOOD oh my days literally amazing. Right before cat man does some sussy things (aka intends to sell them off), Rarity show a little generosity.

That’s what I like about this show, the small tidbits by the Mane 6 (we will also see later how the rest of the mane 6 do their thing to push the characters) that help the characters they meet and grow really adds on the story and involves the mane 6 much more rather than just... being there and coming along because they’re Twily’s buddies.

So yes, anyway, Rarity shows some generosity, something the cat man has literally never seen in his life (he was like damn frfr no catch? and rarity was like yes frfr) and so that was really nice to see. However, they get found and they run away with some ABSOLUTELY MIND BENDING SKILLS like damn that windmill was going HAM and they were like FINE!??? I love this show. So yeah they end up on a cargo-hauler and RD does her RD thing and motivates everypony. A nice touch of this scene is how Twily was very “uhmm RD don’t do it, we don’t got time for a song” while everypony else was just “YEAH YEAH GO RD”. It shows that if Twily didn’t go with her friends, she’d be FUCKED by now. Her friends are of absolute importance and she couldn’t get that far without them.

So yeah, anyways, RD does her song and they become furry pirates (istg this film will make me a furry) and I love all of them. Same deal though; Tempest finds the ship and they do an almost-death moment (which was great). People may say it is repetitive and I suppose roughly the same thing is happening but I generally disagree. Each situation is drastrically different to the point where it may have the same idea but a significantly different execution.

They move on to the Hippogriffs place. The introduction to this place is FANTASTIC; it’s tense, exciting, and got me glued to the screen (literally, I was focusing so hard in this part). Ok hold on the plane is landing.

Alright I’m back in the air. Anywaysssss, the drowning part was crazy how did they put that in in a kid’s show like damn... the Hippogriffs show up and it’s all awesome. I love them very much. However, Twily does a sussy thing out of desperation and turns out to be one of the best parts of the show. The only gripe I have with this part was that it should’ve been more clear that Twily was going more and more frustrated with their progress (and also out of desperation). While it’s true it is kinda depicted with the pirates (how Twily was very “hghhhhh” when RD was doing her song), they should’ve made it more explicit and added more scenes regarding that so it wouldn’t have been like a *BAM* moment, yknow what I’m sayin’? Otherwise, it’s a great scene. Pinkie getting mad at Twilight was a really good touch, especially as the happiest of the group. So when Twilight shouted back in a fit of anger at Pinkie, Pinkie’s reaction hit so much harder. It wasn’t a happy scene, but it was a very well done moment.

Tbh, Tempest capturing Twilight happened a bit too fast. It felt like it came out of nowhere and how tf did Twily not see or hear the giant machine in the sky. I get she’s looking down but that thing is like 100m long. Looking back though it does make sense considering Tempest was following them the entire time.

Alright so they go back to Canterlot and so does the gang (the gang’s part of killing all the bad guys is 100% da best it was soo fun) and the Storm king does his thing. That scene where he did his thing was hella epic ngl holy shiiiit IT WAS FIREEE. Then Tempest gets backstabbed as usual and they defeat the Storm king with like, sacrifice. Tbh I thought the power of friendship would come and save the day as it has the past... like 7 seasons, but no. I mean, it was still friendship but no giant lasers. Oh well, shame.

And so after that all was saved and everything was alright. Overall, the film was really enjoyable. Probably my favourite parts were with the Hippogriffs and with cat man (most because I just really like cat man). If I had to choose my least favourite part... yeah that’d be a tough one actually. Maybe the final showdown? Some parts felt lacking, especially between the Storm king and Twily. I dunno, maybe I’m just picky. Idk felt a bit lacking in some parts I suppose. Well, it’s not that big of an issue by any means. I really really liked the film after all. Wish I could’ve watched it in theatres though.

Not to mention the songs were amazing.

Head back.